Kamar Mandi

CODE IB 280400 Gunasih
PROJECT adapting 'kamar mandi'
COSTS US$ 115,–
SPONSOR Bebob Design Amsterdam / Giso BV

Komang Sumiasih, a 13-year old girl from a poor family has been paralysed since developing polio at a very young age. She is unable to walk and uses a borrowed wheelchair at school. At home she moves about by crawling or is carried by her family.

At home she moves about by crawling or is carried by her family.

Adapting an existing 'kamar mandi' (toilet and washroom) for wheelchair use by Komang Sumiasih at the SLB (school for handicapped children) in Klungkung.

This involves making the room accessible for wheelchairs by levelling the step and widening the doorway. The seatless WC is raised using a high wide seat with a gap in it so that Komang can use the toilet on her own. This alteration is a separate facility.

The old situation

The new situation

Background information
As the request for adapting the kamar mandi was for the SLB, a state-run school, a permit first had to be obtained from the government and this has now been granted.

The application was made in Komang’s name, but several physically handicapped children at this school will be able to use this kamar mandi.

The entrances to all kamar mandis are too narrow for wheelchair access. Children such as Komang, who are partly paralysed have to be carried in and then set on the toilet. Alterations to the kamar mandi are desirable from the point of view of hygiene and prevention of secondary physical problems for the children and their helpers.

A second aim is that each of the children can practise using the toilet (independently) and possible alterations at home can then be assessed.

Toilet adapted for handicapped people
